Supporters Page

This project (weather station and website) is a personal hobby that involves a considerable expenditure of time and money. If you find the information useful to you, please consider contributing. Your donation will help defray operating and maintenance costs of both the weather station and website. You can use the button below to make a secure donation with PayPal. Donations can also be made securely using any of the major credit cards. Every bit is highly appreciated!

Background: The Ten Mile Point weather station is privately owned and maintained, and has been operational since 2006. The weather station is part of an international network of government and private stations used to monitor weather conditions, refine local forecasts, and improve climate change projections. For years, sailors (those who know about it) have used the info to see real-time weather in the micro-climate around Baynes Channel before transiting. Some kayakers have also used it to know what to expect when they come around the bend from Cadboro Bay.

Its unique location at the tip of the Point makes it the easternmost weather station on Vancouver Island, and one of the first to log the exciting southeasterly storms that frequently pass through during winter months.

This website is the result of a long effort to make this weather data accessible and understandable to a broader audience of local residents, sailors, and other recreational users of our beautiful area. Included are other topics that you may find useful. The intent of this site is as a resource for the community, and your comments and suggestions for enhancements are most welcome. Please email to

Thanks again for your support!